How to Find Kindle Books Based on My Favorite Authors

When you have a favorite author and you finish reading all of their books, it can be hard to find other books and authors that captivate you the same way your favorite author does. You might be wondering how to find books similar to your favorite authors, and while it can be challenging to find books that will scratch the same itch, it’s not impossible.

With a bit of research, you can uncover books that are similar in style, subject matter, or tone to your favorite authors. From looking at blurbs to looking at lists, here are several ways to discover more great books and authors. By taking the time to explore each of these options, you can uncover Kindle books that will be just as enjoyable as ones by your favorite authors!

Tip 1: Pay Attention to Book Blurbs

If you’ve ever noticed quotes from different authors on a book cover or in a book description, you may know that these are called book blurbs. While these promotional descriptions can be helpful for getting a better idea of what a book is about, the blurbs can also be great at helping you find similar authors.

For example, Beach Read author Emily Henry has a blurb for Second First Impressions by Sally Thorne. Both authors write contemporary romance novels, so if you enjoy books from one author, you’ll likely enjoy books by the other.

Tip 2: Utilize Goodreads Lists to Find Similar Authors

Goodreads is a vast database of books and a thriving community of book lovers. The website allows readers to rate books and create lists based on genres, themes, and writing styles. The best way to use Goodreads to find books similar to your favorite authors is by exploring the “Lists” section.

Whether you’re looking for book recommendations based on other books, authors, authors, or even characters, the “Read Alikes” book list section has you covered. For instance, if you are a fan of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, you can check out the list “If You Like Harry Potter You Might Like…” to see what books you’ll likely enjoy reading next.

Tip 3: Products Related To This Item on Amazon

Did you know that Amazon will suggest similar Kindle books when you are browsing their website? If you pull up a book’s page and scroll down, you’ll see the “Products Related To This Item” section. There, you’ll find dozens of books by authors who are similar to the one you’re browsing.

For example, we browsed the Amazon page for a spy thriller book and found similar spy and action thrillers listed on this section of the page.

With these results in mind, this tip is a simple way to help you find books written by authors who are similar to your favorites.

Tip 4: Look Closely At Book Descriptions

Book-related newsletters and websites, such as Freebooksy, are a great way to discover new books and authors that you might not have otherwise come across. One of the ways these newsletters can be especially helpful is by mentioning specific authors in their descriptions.

When a description highlights an author you love, it can be a good indication that the book you’re reading about will be similar in style or subject matter. This can help you quickly identify new books to add to your reading list that you’re likely to enjoy.

Start Finding More Great Authors Now

If you’re ready to get started on finding more Kindle books based on your favorite authors, go ahead and sign up for the Freebooksy newsletter. Your Kindle will thank you later!