Testing Beliefs and Dramatic Circumstances: Free Literary Fiction eBooks

A Tightrope to Redemption by T.J. Hojin: A beautiful novella! A loving son wants to heal his father and bring back dad’s lost faith. Loving father wants his son to be freed from his religious faith. Both decide to test their beliefs and walk on a Tightrope of their faith. The question is who is gonna fall first? Is there a way to heal migraine using Yoga? Who is the boy in the dream?

This book is Free on June 10, 2023


Dead End Summer by Avner Tavori: During the summer of 1982, with war raging in Lebanon, and the cycle of Palestinian terrorist attacks reaching one of its peaks, settlers in the West Bank take matters into their own hands. It is at this point in history that the three childhood friends meet again and are forced to make choices in the most dramatic of circumstances.

This book is Free on June 10, 2023


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