With Love, Ruthie and Five Dreams: Free Literary Fiction eBooks

With Love, Ruthie by Jenny Marie Bee: 26-year-old Ruthie lives in a small town in the Appalachian Mountains in 1965. She faces many challenges and a no-good husband, though she is determined to make Christmas special for her family & neighbors at Holiday Hill Travel Park. Santa shows up to help Ruthie fall in love, experience heartache like never before, and helps her wishes come true!

This book is Free on October 21, 2023


Five Dreams by Elizabeth Michaud: Tired of poetry that is just a lot of “everyday” words that have no artistry? Are you seeking something beyond the fluffy words that don’t really say anything? Then Five Dreams is the book for you. Visit these pages, where words are art and poems tell stories. Journey through a landscape of love, loss, longing, and horror and set your dreams free.

This book is Free on October 21, 2023


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