Steampunk Cities and Continuous Hunts: Free Horror eBooks

Hunted by Charles Welch: Bob has spent the past 40 years running from an evil that has relentlessly tried to kill him. Nancy is a stranger who wants to know Bob’s story of survival. What is it that continuously hunts Bob? And who is Nancy really? As the afternoon fades to night, the truth will finally be revealed with the coming darkness. Who is evil? Who is hunted?

This book is Free on March 16, 2022


Modern Goth by Daniel Trump: In Modern Goth, a rich inventor is kidnapped in his own home and terrorized by an unusual set of antagonists. A couple of goth teenagers try to learn to get along. A desperate singer joins a goth band but is haunted by ghosts as she begins to make it as a musical artist. These threads lead to a steampunk city in Daniel Trump’s horror epic.

This book is Free on March 16, 2022


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