Strange Flashes and Stopping Creatures: Free Horror eBooks

Coming Up Short 3 by Charles Welch: A man finds the difference between heaven and hell can be a very thin line. On a houseboat in the middle of a large lake, a retired couple experience a brief, strange flash of light. The next day, something tracks them from their boat to a nearby small town through the forest. Coming Up Short 3 is a new collection of tales from Charles Welch.

This book is Free on July 17, 2023


Isolation by Jared Grace: Russell Tolliver is an accomplished author who has got a bad case of writer’s block. He moves his family to the picturesque town of Isolation, New Hampshire. A few months after his arrival a creature of Native American lore is seen in the woods around town, killing at random. Russell and his friends must figure out how to stop this creature.

This book is Free on July 17, 2023


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