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Lessons From Philippians: the Christian Struggle for Authenticity and Joy on Kindle

Lessons From Philippians: the Christian Struggle for Authenticity and Joy by Andy Ripley: A verse-by-verse study of the book of Philippians. A great help for those desiring to live an authentic and joyful Christian life.

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Getting to Know God’s Voice: Recognizing When God Speaks Every Day on Kindle

Getting to Know God’s Voice: Recognizing When God Speaks Every Day by Patty Mason: “Why can’t I hear God’s voice?” Do you feel you are missing out on hearing God, wondering why He speaks to others but doesn’t seem to talk to you? Do you have trouble recognizing God’s voice above all the noise, then Getting to Know God’s Voice is the book for you.

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God is Like a Rocket Launch: 30 Day Devotional For When You Are Looking for Purpose on Kindle

God is Like a Rocket Launch: 30 Day Devotional For When You Are Looking for Purpose by Chris Stanley: 3…2…1… LAUNCH into a devotional that explores God through NASA’s Apollo missions all the way through modern-day space exploration. From the amazing accomplishments of the Apollo program to the revolutionary cutting-edge technology of Space X, the author offers thoughts on how they point back to a designer.

This book is Free on January 17, 2023

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