Soul Models and Little-Known Strategies: Free Religion eBooks

Outsider: A Model of Religion (Outsider Model Book 3) on Kindle

Outsider: A Model of Religion (Outsider Model Book 3) by Dr. William Turmel: A heart, mind, body, and soul model of being human, as seen from a human soul’s perspective. We use philosophy, science, and theology to describe how a soul creates, maintains, and uses its body to experience life as a human on Earth.

This book is Free on April 19, 2023


Getting Started with Amazon KDP (The Christian Author's Guide Book 1) on Kindle

Getting Started with Amazon KDP (The Christian Author’s Guide Book 1) by Donna Partow: Million-copy bestselling author reveals exactly how to succeed as an author using little-known strategies to skyrocket your book to the top of Amazon’s charts. Soon you will be the person everyone is listening to and turning to for your wisdom and knowledge. And when that happens, you’ll have a whole new career and a whole new life.

This book is Free on April 19, 2023


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