Demonic Masters and Stopping Killers: Free Horror eBooks

Dusks and Dawns (The God-fearing People Book 1) by S S Ralph: Jacob Miller lives in the isolated and deeply religious community of New Hope. He never believed the old stories about how the devil and his demons would invade their town and carry away souls. Over the generations, the once-pious population has become complacent, and it turns out that the old stories Jacob refused to believe are all too true.

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Amy (Amy Book 1) by RW Duder: He thought it was over…but the true horror had just begun. How do they stop a killer that nobody would ever suspect and a horror that can never be contained? An incredible gore-fest paying homage to the slasher stories of the 70s and 80s, darkly twisted, Amy will get under your skin and show you a new nemesis, unlike anything you’ve read about before.

This book is Free on June 23, 2023


The Insomniacs by Damian Crosse: Once people themselves, the Insomniacs wander a plane outside reality, visiting anyone who has trouble falling asleep. Their only purpose: serve their demonic master Morgul by dragging human souls to the Netherworld. Kyle doesn’t believe a single word of his friend’s silly story…until he can’t fall asleep. Will he make it through the night?

This book is Free on June 23, 2023


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