Untraditional Settings and Approaching Evils: Free Horror eBooks

Disturbing the Water: Thirteen Original Ghost Stories Concerning Fish, Fishing and Fishy Places by Peter Wise: You don’t have to be an angler to enjoy these original tales of tragedy, redemption, and misadventure. Think traditional ghost stories but in untraditional settings, with added echoes of real history, from WW2 and the witch craze to a Victorian serial killer. Prepare for some chills at the water’s edge – and beyond it.

This book is Free on December 12, 2023


Vampire Academy: Crestwood High School by Emily Clarke: On the surface, Crestwood High School appears to be just like any other school, filled with students navigating the challenges of adolescence. But lurking beneath its halls are dark secrets and supernatural forces that threaten to consume everything in their path. Amelia and Gabriel, two benevolent vampires decide to battle the approaching evil.

This book is Free on December 12, 2023


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