The Growing Gratitude Journal and Murphy and the Frog Orchestra: Free Children’s eBooks

Murphy and the Frog Orchestra on Kindle

Murphy and the Frog Orchestra by E.J. Wheatley & Gizem Akgun: Written in loving memory of Murphy the tripawd. A mysterious sound draws Murphy out of his warm and cozy bed. What could it be? Curious readers are invited to join Murphy as he ventures out into the starry night to investigate. Murphy encourages children to meet the unfamiliar with curiosity, and to find wonderment in their own backyard.

This book is Free on May 24, 2024


The Growing Gratitude Journal on Kindle

The Growing Gratitude Journal by DaddiLife Books: Spark happiness and a more positive mindset with this daily 3-minute gratitude journal for kids. The gratitude attitude is like a superpower for kids – enabling kids to see and feel the everyday joys more clearly. In this new journal, we have a unique prompt each day to think about gratitude across all areas of life to enable the gratitude habit.

This book is Free on May 24, 2024


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