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Turn Words Into Wealth on Kindle

Turn Words Into Wealth by Aurora Winter: Use the blueprints in this book to create multiple streams of income with your successful book, brand, and business. Free today! Learn: How to use storytelling for business success; Why your book is your best marketing tool; How to communicate your ideas; and 7 ways to profit from publishing your book. Learn how to turn your words into wealth!

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Know Yourself To be Happy on Kindle

Know Yourself To be Happy by Amanfi Taylor: Do you know that knowing yourself is the key to taking control of your emotions and living life to the fullest? This is a self-empowerment book for women to help you: Build self-discipline. Take control of your emotions. Increase your daily performance. Identify your true purpose and mission in life. Overcome fear, stress, and anxiety.

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The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Techniques on Kindle

The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Techniques by Yevhenii Lozovyi: DBT workbook on how to: manage daily well-being, fear and phobia, anxiety and panic attacks, intrusive thoughts, and compulsive behavior.

This book is Free on August 5, 2022


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