Powerful Affirmations and Comprehensive Resources: Free Nonfiction eBooks
Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain 101 by Goffredo Righi Schwammer: From the inception of money to the digital evolution we are facing right now. This book will help you understand everything there is to know about the principles of economics, blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and dive deeper into all those concepts that you couldn’t grasp. Until now! This is the only book you need to become a crypto savvy.
This book is Free on September 15, 2022
Four Seasons of Your Best Self (The Personal Power Library Collection Book 3) by Cheryl Marlene: Looking for focus to bring all your personal growth into balance within each season of your life? Fall is right around the corner – the perfect time to begin your journey to your best self. This powerful book of affirmations provides clear focus for each season. Easy to begin because everything is provided in this great book! Be the change you want now!
This book is Free on September 15, 2022
The Origins of Authoritarianism – and Why It Still Works Today by Eric Nilsen: The notion of unchallenged authority serves at the heart of authoritarianism. Living in an age of democracy, authoritarianism is often met with stark criticism. In this book, we will study the historical and political context of authoritarian regimes, their evolution, rise, zenith, and fall, to help us better understand the world we live in today.
This book is Free on September 15, 2022
The DASH Diet Weight Loss Blueprint by Elaine Summers: No matter how much you weigh or how high your blood pressure, even if you have never been on a diet before, this guide will lay out exactly what you need to do to see those numbers on the scale drop. The DASH diet includes a 21-day customizable meal plan with 30 flavorful recipes from Caribbean jerk shrimp to chocolate peanut butter smoothies.
This book is Free on September 15, 2022
The Best Way to Clear Google Professional Cloud Architect Certification Exam by Edcorner Learning: Google Professional Cloud Architect Certification Preparation – One of the hottest credentials available right now is the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) certification, which is essential for any IT professional working in the cloud computing industry. In recent years many people are opting to work in the cloud computing sector.
This book is Free on September 15, 2022
100 Grief Devotionals For Women by Courtney Ryan: 100 Grief Devotionals for Women is more than just a book that promises to help you understand the process of bereavement. It’s a compelling guide that offers to give you an empowering spiritual support structure guaranteed to help you heal. Not only will it teach you how to cope, but it will give you the strength needed to embrace reality and move on.
This book is Free on September 15, 2022
Solar Powered Energy Theft: Legal No Money Down Solar Panels for Homeowners by Jon Nelsen: What if you could own a rooftop power plant that saves you money each month for NOTHING out of pocket? Solar Powered Energy Theft is a comprehensive resource that reveals the facts about solar energy and makes it easy for you to learn how you can use solar to slash your electric bill, live better, and save the planet!
This book is Free on September 15, 2022
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