Magical Abilities and Vanishing Classmates: Free Young Adult eBooks

Clara Thorn, the Witch That Was Found on Kindle

Clara Thorn, the Witch That Was Found by Don Jones: Clara just doesn’t fit in. In THIS world, that is. But when her classmates vanish in the Art Alley, she’s transported to a world that just might be for her: Underhill. Turns out Clara’s magical, although in a distinctly different way from everyone else, and she’s just what Underhill needs right now. Oh, and her parents knew all along.

This book is Free on November 1, 2022


Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens on Kindle

Social Anxiety Workbook for Teens by Blooming Minds: This workbook is a preliminary stage in your journey to overcoming your dread of people. Filled with real stories of teenagers just like you, whose real names we withheld but who were personalized with illustrations to keep you intrigued.

This book is Free on November 1, 2022


Shale City: Child of Blood and Tears (A Punk Fairytale Book 2) on Kindle

Shale City: Child of Blood and Tears (A Punk Fairytale Book 2) by Dani Julian: A headstrong teen girl with unusual magical abilities must face the raw angst of growing up while hiding with her father from a nefarious enemy in a scabby seaside town. Fans of Laini Taylor, Holly Black, and Sarah J. Maas will devour this unique, lavishly illustrated coming-of-age fantasy tale.

This book is Free on November 1, 2022

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