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The Altar of My Fate (The Rosteval Saga Book 1) by Michael R. Schultheiss: Trained to the warrior’s path, Rosteval leads the warband he created in search of glory and adventure. But he didn’t expect Ghaitta, the beautiful slave-girl with a secret… and the power and peril of an ancient altar. With enemies multiplying and defeat looming, can Rosteval and Ghaitta claim the power of the altar and avert disaster?

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Regarding Nelson on Kindle

Regarding Nelson by David Podlipny: A Martian wonder drug, a novel virus, and an enigmatic scientist; three science fiction and fantasy short stories sprinkled with dark humor and the macabre collected in one book.

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The Curse of Sotkari Ta (The Curse Of Sotkari Ta Book 1) on Kindle

The Curse of Sotkari Ta (The Curse Of Sotkari Ta Book 1) by Maria A. Perez: A housewife from Earth is kidnapped by aliens who intend to harness her dormant special abilities. The Curse of Sotkari Ta is a romantic space opera series that involves alien abduction, people with telepathic and telekinetic abilities, galactic war, transportals, steamy romance, conflict and memorable characters.

This book is Free on January 7, 2023


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