Struggling Families and Supernatural Activities: Free Horror eBooks

A Small World (Zombies! Book 1) on Kindle

A Small World (Zombies! Book 1) by R S Merritt: A family struggles to reunite during a zombie apocalypse. This is the first book in a highly-rated series. Entire series also available on Audible.

This book is Free on April 28, 2023


The Haunting of Apartment 612 (Corona Heights Horror Anthology Book 3) on Kindle

The Haunting of Apartment 612 (Corona Heights Horror Anthology Book 3) by E.M. Parker: The Corona Heights Apartment complex is a hotbed of terrifying supernatural activity, and Apartment 612 is its most notorious residence. Long vacant, the unit finally has a new tenant. Will she be its last?

This book is Free on April 28, 2023


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