Confronting Wizards and Mysterious Codes: Free Young Adult eBooks

Rimrider (Rimrider Adventures Book 1) on Kindle

Rimrider (Rimrider Adventures Book 1) by L. A. Kelley: Orphan, pirate, spy. Hours before his murder, Jane Benedict’s father orders her to memorize a mysterious code. Escaping his enemies, Jane joins a band of Freetrader smugglers and is soon hot on a trail across the galaxy to find a secret cargo shipment that can spell doom for the entire Freetrader rebellion and the extinction of an alien race.

This book is Free on July 20, 2023


The Hawk's Message (Of the Wing Book 2) on Kindle

The Hawk’s Message (Of the Wing Book 2) by P.K. Butler: A red-tailed hawk tells Claire to conquer her self-doubt if she intends to be a champion for birds. To do so, Claire joins an expedition to the Big Woods of Arkansas to find the ivory-billed woodpecker but doesn’t expect what she finds.

This book is Free on July 20, 2023


One Pale Reflection on Kindle

One Pale Reflection by Tycho Dwelis: Join siblings Brenden and Lettie as they navigate the mysteries and dangers lurking within a hidden realm beyond a mirror. As they uncover the truth behind their parents’ disappearance, confront an immortal wizard, and learn hard lessons about what it means to grow up, they embark on a quest that will test their courage and resilience.

This book is Free on July 20, 2023


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