Horrific Consequences and Virtual Worlds: Free Horror eBooks

Arcranium™ on Kindle

Arcranium™ by Daemon Manx & Mark Towse: Four horror authors square off against one another in the virtual world to find out who is the scariest. Welcome to Arcranium™, a powerful technology that fuses with the author’s mind to stimulate their best possible creation, immersing other participants in the narrative. It’s all in good fun, but things are bound to get a little bumpy once the gloves come off.

This book is Free on August 1, 2023


The Group on Kindle

The Group by Khurram Elahi: When fortune turns against you, how far will you go to reclaim what is rightfully yours? Jagat Singh, IT Consultant, decides to invest in The Forex Group, hoping for riches beyond his imagination. Soon he realizes that he has been scammed, so takes steps to get his hard earned money back, but with horrific consequences. Happiness is a scam!

This book is Free on August 1, 2023


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