How to Find Free eBooks with Amazon First Reads

Finding free eBooks can be tricky, especially if you’re looking for new releases in your favorite genres. Well, I have some exciting news for readers that are subscribed to Amazon Prime. Every month Amazon offers Prime members one free new release from an impressive selection with Amazon First Reads. In this post we will show you exactly how to find free eBooks with Amazon First Reads so you can get an exciting new release eBook every month!


1. What is Amazon First Reads?

Amazon First Reads gives readers early access to Amazon editor’s pick eBooks. While this service is available for anyone with an Amazon account, the ability to get one of these eBooks for free is exclusive to Amazon Prime subscribers. Non-members can still download one of these eBooks to their Kindle or Kindle App, however, they will have to pay a price of $1.99. After the first eBook is redeemed (for both Prime and non-members), the other titles on the list can be pre-ordered for $4.99 each.


2. How to Access Amazon First Reads

Amazon First Reads isn’t very easy to locate, so we want to show you exactly how to access these free eBooks. Just log into your Amazon account and click the ‘All’ button at the top right of the screen.

How To Find Amazon First Reads 1

You’ll then click on ‘Books’ in the dropdown menu.

How To Find Amazon First Reads 2

Then you will click on ‘Kindle Books’ and be taken to a new Kindle Books section on Amazon.

How To Find Amazon First Reads 3

The next screen will have a lot of different clickable sections all relating to Kindle Books. Click on “Amazon First Reads’

How To Find Amazon First Reads 4

3. Browse Available Books in a Range of Genres

You have successfully found the Amazon First Reads page and can now browse the available books for the month in a range of different genres. The genres change every month and there is usually a good selection for most readers. But if your favorite isn’t there, make sure you check next month as it might be there next time.

Amazon First Reads

You can easily click on the ‘shop now’ button for each of these books and this will lead you to the individual book page where you can read the book description and reviews. You can then decide to redeem your free book or go back to the previous page and pick another book.

Amazon First Reads

4. Download Your Free eBook

Go to the individual page for the book you’d like to redeem and click on the ‘Read for Free’ button on the right-hand side of the page. At this same step, you should also see a box that can be checked and unchecked that will let Amazon know to send you an email when the new picks are out.

Amazon First Reads

5. Start Reading

Once this has been redeemed it should automatically be sent to your Kindle or Kindle App. It will now permanently be in your library. It is worth noting that there is no expiration date and you can enjoy it for as long as you wish.


6. Check Again Next Month!

The selection of Amazon First Reads books will change every month and so will the available genres. Make sure you check every month to get the most out of your subscription!


Now that you’ve downloaded your free eBook via Amazon First Reads, you might be wondering how you can find more. You’re in luck! Freebooksy sends you a free daily email with all the day’s free eBooks in your favorite genre. Sign up for free right here!


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