Video Nasties and The Ghost Files 4: Free Horror eBooks

Video Nasties (Violent Words: Short Horror Stories and Novellas Book 2) on Kindle

Video Nasties (Violent Words: Short Horror Stories and Novellas Book 2) by Duncan Ralston: 16 dark and disturbing tales of the macabre from the author of the cult-smash hit, Woom.

This book is Free on June 6, 2024


The Ghost Files 4 (Part 2) on Kindle

The Ghost Files 4 (Part 2) by Apryl Baker: Children all over the city of Charlotte are vanishing and turning up dead one week after their disappearance. The city is in a panic, parents are terrified to let their children out of their sights, but it’s simply not enough. You can’t hide from the Devourer of Souls…

This book is Free on June 6, 2024


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