Secret Connections and Magical Adventures: Free Young Adult eBooks

Grim Knights (The Grim Chronicles Book 1) on Kindle

Grim Knights (The Grim Chronicles Book 1) by D.R. Martin: This series is intended for young adult fans of Harry Potter, Narnia, LOTR, and wacky magical adventure. Book one introduces Howl, the boy wizard, and a cast of human & animal characters. The story also includes illustrations, and changes of time, place & intensity, to help create the history of the world. All reviews are welcome and appreciated.

This book is Free on September 9, 2022


The Lights of Time (The Chronicles of Engella Rhys Book 1) on Kindle

The Lights of Time (The Chronicles of Engella Rhys Book 1) by Paul Ian Cross: A desperate search. A journey through time. A secret connection that outpaces the clock…

This book is Free on September 9, 2022


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