Special Powers and Fantasy Tall Tales: Free Young Adult eBooks

The Boy Who Could See Secrets (The Magic People Book 1) on Kindle

The Boy Who Could See Secrets (The Magic People Book 1) by Andi Cumbo-Floyd: Jedidiah Wilson always wanted to get out of his hometown, but time traveling with his imaginary friend Mavis hadn’t been part of the plan. When together they meet a village of people with special powers, they are whisked into an adventure across time and space to help save the village’s children from a man who wants to control them.

This book is Free on April 7, 2023

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A Rabbit's Tale an Easter Story (Praying Mantis Series Book 1) on Kindle

A Rabbit’s Tale an Easter Story (Praying Mantis Series Book 1) by Diogenes Ruiz: At the urging of his brother-in-law, a well-meaning, but clueless Juan Arias dresses up to entertain a bunch of brats on Easter Sunday – what can possibly go wrong? If you’re a fan of “A Christmas Story,” you’ll enjoy this fantasy tall tale with more twists and turns than a caterpillar rodeo. It all started with the school bully in the fifth grade.

This book is Free on April 7, 2023


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